Well, had my camera all day today, but didn't see anything cool like a drug bust or crash happen. But, I did take my camera to my dinner with Hannah.
I went ahead and took a picture of the tool that was yelling repeatedly for our server's attention while we ordered from her. She finally glared over and told him to wait just a second. Even Hannah thought it was weird of him. If you look at the picture, he seems to think there is a discrepency on his bill. Doesn't he just look like the guy that would yell for your server's attention while you ordered? I think that a date rape charge may be in his history somewhere too. If you look closely, you can see a closed laptop. When we walked in he was doing some kind of power point presentation for two of his cronies. Don Pablo's is a great place to close a deal, I guess.
As you can tell from this pic, we enjoyed our chips anyway.