Monday, January 30, 2006

Chipotle Tried To Kill Me

If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, then I should be freaking bullet proof.

It started Thursday night while watching Mystic River on HBO. Since they seem to show the same movies on a continuous loop, I figured I could swing by Chipotle and come back and watch what I missed. I mean it's soooo f'ing obvious that Tim Robbins killed that poor girl, jeez.

So, I got behind the the most annoying couple in Hyde Park (and that's saying something) and settled in for my burrito order. Those two were so demanding and weird, I wanted to throw a basketball at their heads before I got to the cheese section of the line. The normal girl in front of me even stated that she was "flustered" when she paid her tab. So it's not just me, ok?

Anyway. So I enjoyed half my burrito and put the other half away for lunch the next day. That was at about 8:30pm. Well, I might as well have eaten uranium. I woke up at 2, 3, and then finally at 4:30am, and, well, I'll spare you the details. It's not what you think though, my stomach was thrown into reverse.

Well, I had thrown up for the first time in years. I experienced that 5 minute period after barfing that you feel pretty good, and then started feeling like hell again. My stomach just kept burning. I had to call into work, and I'm still not completely over it yet. I even briefly thought about having the uneaten half of my burrito analyzed at some lab that does that kind of thing.

And whaaa? Robbins DIDN'T kill her??? I'm seeing 6 figures, Chipotle.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Wedding Crashers Sucked

I rented Wedding Crashers last night. I didn't get past the 16 minute mark. I was told this movie was hilarious. Since when is dancing with old ladies and eating cake with your mouth open funny? I turned it off and watched CSI.

Oh, and for some reason whenever I go to Blockbuster a message pops up that my account is on hold. They then call the North College Hill store and they tell them that it is a mistake. This has happened about 10 times. I told them to call them and cuss them out for me, but they refuse to do so. North College Hill never has an explanation for this, they just say to remove the hold. But, it always pops up again.

Anyone have a movie to recommend? Let me know.