Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Oakley Laundromat

Included in the sights of the Oakley Laundromat are the cliffhanging cigarettes that bravely dangle from the lips of the ladies who work there. I am always curious about what people think when they receive their "clean" clothes and they smell like a pack of smoked Basics. "That's what they get," is what I think to myself.

Here is the sign posted on the dryers used at the 'mat. I always thought this sign was a little unnecessary, but after stopping and looking around at my fellow patrons, maybe it isn't such a bad idea.

Here is my laundry, obediently tumbling away. If you look closely, you can see the 3 year old and his puppy that I forgot to take out of the dryer before I started my load.

And finally, here is the vending machine that stole my dollar.